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学び方を学ぶ (Learning How To Learn)

Posted on:July 30, 2020

最近、「Learning How to Learn」 という本を読み終わりました。そして、本の要旨は自分の意見を追加して下記の通りまとまりました(重要度の高い順ではありません)。

I recently read “Learning How To Learn”. Below, I summarize parts of the book that stood out to me (in no order of importance).


集中できないなら、「ポモドーロ・テクニック」という時間管理術を試みます。必要なのはタイマーだけです。25 分に設定して、終わりまで集中してタスクをやります。そして、5分に設定して、休憩します。このままタスクを終えるまで繰り返します。

The Pomodoro Technique can be used to bootstrap focus. Work and rest in alternate chunks of 25 minutes and 5 minutes until the task is done, or when a longer break is needed.



I won’t go into the theory behind spaced repetition and the forgetting curve here. Anki is the industry standard here — it’s an essential tool for language learners (and doctors-in-training too, I’ve seen).



Sleep is the most important aspect of all of these points. Not just the amount of sleep, but also the quality of sleep. I currently live in an apartment next to a noisy street, so my sleep quality is bad, and I find myself taking naps regularly. I’m looking forward to moving out.



Metaphors help by forming an alternative pathway between two pieces of information. Take the stack data structure for example. It’s like an actual stack of plates, where you can only add and remove plates from the top of the stack.



You do better at things you’re interested and have a passion for. Discovering what those things are is a journey of self-discovery for everyone. See also: ikigai.



The author talks about this as “chunking”. When you learn something new, you should link it to an existing concept. This way, instead of remembering each thing individually, you can just remember a portion of the information and link it to everything else.



Refined carbohydrates are bad for your health, so eat less of them. Plus, they give you food comas (also known as postprandial somnolence).

I don’t like exercise, but like most other things, the more you do it, the easier and more tolerable it becomes.



Deliberate practice is to spend time on difficult things, with the active goal of improving. It also means that you should not deceive yourself into feeling accomplished by spending time on things that you are already familiar with or things that are easy. Listening to podcasts is a popular technique for language learners, but one does not get better at a language just by listening to 5 hours of podcasts every day.



Be careful of your motivation level and the potential for burnout.



Do something outside of your main focus. Language learning is excellent, as are outdoor sports.



In a test, questions are usually ordered in increasing difficulty. You should attempt the more difficult ones first, as this will allow your brain to continue working on them in the background while you go back to the easier problems. When you come back to the harder problems a second time, you may find that you have newfound inspiration. This is your brain’s so-called “diffuse” mode at work.