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Iterative Tree Traversals in Python

Posted on:April 21, 2016

Tree traversals are most naturally expressed in recursion, but iterative versions are cool too, plus they take only O(1) space.

Inorder traversal: Visit the left subtree first, then the node, and the right subtree.

Preorder traversal: Visit the node first, then the left subtree, then the right subtree.

Postorder traversal: Visit the left subtree, then the right subtree, then the node.

The concept behind the iterative versions are as follows.

There are three states a traversal can be in:

Keeping three pointers: prev to designate the previous node, curr to designate the current node, and _next to designate the next node, we can codify the above conditions like so:

if not prev or prev.left == curr or prev.right == curr:
    # first condition
elif curr.left == prev:
    # second condition
else: # curr.right == prev
    # third condition

With that in mind, I present the three different traversals, whose function signatures take a BTreeNode as the first argument and a function to operate on the tree nodes as the second argument.

class BTreeNode:
    def __init__(self, data): = data
        self.parent = None
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
    def __str__(self):
        return str(
a = BTreeNode(6)
b = BTreeNode(4)
c = BTreeNode(5)
d = BTreeNode(3)
e = BTreeNode(2)
f = BTreeNode(1)
a.left = b
a.right = c
b.parent = a
b.left = d
b.right = e
c.parent = a
c.left = f
d.parent = b
e.parent = b
f.parent = c
def iterativeInOrder(root, func):
    if not root:
    prev = None
    curr = root
    _next = None
    while curr:
        if not prev or prev.left == curr or prev.right == curr:
            if curr.left:
                _next = curr.left
                _next = curr.right if curr.right else curr.parent
        elif curr.left == prev:
            _next = curr.right if curr.right else curr.parent
            _next = curr.parent
        prev = curr
        curr = _next
def iterativePreOrder(root, func):
    if not root:
    prev = None
    curr = root
    _next = None
    while curr:
        if not prev or prev.left == curr or prev.right == curr:
            if curr.left:
                _next = curr.left
                _next = curr.right if curr.right else curr.parent
        elif curr.left == prev:
            _next = curr.right if curr.right else curr.parent
            _next = curr.parent
        prev = curr
        curr = _next
def iterativePostOrder(root, func):
    if not root:
    prev = None
    curr = root
    _next = None
    while curr:
        if not prev or prev.left == curr or prev.right == curr:
            if curr.left:
                _next = curr.left
            elif curr.right:
                _next = curr.right
                _next = curr.parent
        elif curr.left == prev:
            if curr.right:
                _next = curr.right
                _next = curr.parent
            _next = curr.parent
        prev = curr
        curr = _next
iterativeInOrder(a, print)   # 3 4 2 6 1 5
iterativePreOrder(a, print)  # 6 4 3 2 5 1
iterativePostOrder(a, print) # 3 2 4 1 5 6